Chronologies in the Adventure Genre
- The Allan Quatermain and Ayesha Reading Order
- The America’s Best Comics Universe Reading Order
- The Army of Darkness Universe
- The Batman ’66 Chronology
- The Big Trouble in Little China Chronology
- The Birthright Universe Reading Order
- The Buckaroo Banzai Chronology
- The Die Hard Chronology
- The Fast and the Furious Viewing Order
- The Freeport Chronology
- The Girl Genius Universe
- The God of War Chronology
- The GrimJack Universe
- The IDW Back to the Future Chronology
- The Jack Ryan Reading Order
- The Jurassic Park Chronology
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Reading Order
- The Lost Boys Chronology
- The Lumberjanes Reading Order
- The Mummy Chronology
- The 101 Dalmatians Chronology
- The Pirates of the Caribbean Chronology
- The Rocky / Creed Chronology
- The Trinity Continuum Chronology